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New Policy Development Plan
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Complete this form to propose adding a new policy section to the PPM.
Policy Developer Information
Policy Owner
Administrative Unit, Department, and Position Title
Email and Phone Number
Proposed Policy Needs Assessment and Development Plan
Policy Title
Chapter in PPM
Provide a summary of the purpose, background, development process/actions, topics addressed, and justification for the policy
Does the policy have campuswide application?
Describe the units and constituencies impacted by the policy
Which offices, departments, and individuals will be or have been consulted during development?
List the primary stakeholder departments
Proposed development schedule including desired implementation date
Provide the communication and training activities that will be conducted to build awareness and enable effective policy implementation
Provide a summary of potential disproportionate or undesirable impacts on under-served and marginalized individuals or groups
Describe any potential health & safety, legal, financial, operational, or reputation risks or impacts and the planned mitigation of those identified.
List the policies and regulations that are related or should be referenced, including the source document
Has your Vice Chancellor's/Vice Provost's/Dean's office approved your policy proposal? The Unit Head will need to be consulted prior to moving forward with development